What You Should Know Before Buying an RV

Published on 1/25/2022

Here’s What You Should Know Before Buying an RV or Camper

Over the last 18+ months, travel has been severely disrupted and impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. This has in turn generated a huge surge of interest in buying an RV or camper. Road tripping and camping have become popular alternatives to flying or booking overseas vacations. 

Before you make such a big purchase, there are a few things you should know before taking the plunge.

There are so many different things to consider and keep in mind:

1. What do you plan on primarily using the RV for? Are you looking at going cross-country? Checking out the National Parks? Or maybe you just want to take weekend jaunts when cabin fever gets to be too much. You’ll want to find the right rig for your purposes. 

2. How many people will you be spending time RV’ing with? Do you have a large family? Is it just you and a partner? Solo? Do you plan on inviting friends? Knowing how many passengers you’ll likely have can help you determine what size will work best for your needs.

3. Sit down and go over what features you’re most interested in having in your RV and which ones are absolute musts and which you can live without. Take that checklist with you when you head to dealerships to check out models. If you see anything at the dealership that appeals to you, add it to the list!

4. You might want to rent an RV for a weekend before you buy to make sure the size you are considering is something you can maneuver easily and feels comfortable to you. This will also let you test out the features and see how they actually work outside of a sales environment.

5.  Make sure to consider what kind of weather you’ll be traveling in most of the time. Deserts? Mountains? Heavy snowfall? You’ll want to make sure you have the right tires and how to care for your vehicle in different kinds of climates.

6. Where will you store your RV or camper after purchasing it? Double check your HOA bylaws if you’re part of one to see what restrictions there may be for keeping it at home. Do you live in a condo, apartment, or in a busy urban area? That will make storing a rig more challenging. Consider utilizing a dedicated storage facility like Clearview RV Storage. You don’t want to have to worry about where to park, any fines, or a lack of space. It’s a lot easier to take off  worry free for a fun road trip when you don’t have to stress about where you park in between adventures. Give us a call at (425) 201-8278